Thursday, June 14, 2012

Oh Nikon I love you so but WHY???

Ok... 70 Million Lenses in the world and Nikon want to do something special by bringing out 2 new lenses. This would normally be great news, but I have to ask WTF!!!

Lens 1 is the new an AF-S 18-300mm DX f/3.5/5.6 ED VR
Now I understand if you were like 12, and needed a kit lens do do EVERY kind of shooting because you couldn't afford anything else....Yeah I kinda understand.. About the only person that will benefit from this lens will be the 12yr old kid, or the Grey Army who want something that is a super zoom without much of the weight in a big lens.

Lens 2 is AF-S 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR
Again Really????
Who is this aimed at?? I really don't understand. The 24-85mm f/2.8-4d IF would have been a better lens to just upgrade to VR. The only use for this would be a Kit Lens on something but what?? Is there a new FX frame camera on the drawing board? 

Will be rushing out to get either of these...... Hell No.... But they serve a purpose. 

I can see the 300 being a great beginner lens on like a D3200 to shoot Video at home and even get some great practice out there shooting wildlife.  The 85 will make a PORN kit lens for those getting a run out D700 to shoot with. 

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