Wednesday, June 27, 2012

People having the same idea, but who will be first...

I have to admit that I'm kinda geeky and love all the new toys that seem to come on the market from nowhere.. There is always a plethora of things to see..

But with the new camera coming from Polaroid, were at the races now.

You all might remember a few months back I made mention of an Instagram Camera that was in the works over in Italy, well the Polaroid Z2300 is pretty much the same thing and will be out much sooner!

With a list of features like Stuck Backs on the prints, SD capability so you can SAVE photos to upload later, and the option to print B&W or Color is pretty amazing.

Click the Links and check it out!!! 

PS: If there is a sample camera floating around for trail.......................... you know where to find me!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Pictures on flickr...


 I have been playing with some more Black and White film as of late and getting some very interesting results.

I have posted up a couple here, but head over to my flickr to keep an eye on what I'm doing.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Well it's just another picture ins't it??


Been a while since my kids have made an appearance in a picture so I chose this one..

I was working on a set of shots that were kinda Zombie/Slasher inspired, that had a sense of innocence and frighteningly simple nature. I had a pretty good one of my wife Michell, and this one of the kids came out great as well. I did struggle to get a full set done so passed on the idea. 

I might go back to it one day.. 

Go over to my flickr and have a look... 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

This is why they made that... Good On Ya Nikon...

Well If the internet rumors are true, this is why Nikon released that 24-85mm monstrosity.

The mill is abuzz with the thoughts of having the Nikon D600 released to take the place of the D700 and and one step above the D300S.

So what's the skinny on features..... HDMI Out with full HD video, 24.7 MP FX Sensor, Built In AF, and 39 point AF Area. So looks like that 24-85mm Monstrosity of a lens will be the "Kit" lens for this machine. The only thing I would really ask is that Nikon make sure that if they make a battery grip for this, they keep the battery's the SAME (no D800 shamozile)!!!

Looks like I have found my new camera if this happens.

Oh Nikon I love you so but WHY???

Ok... 70 Million Lenses in the world and Nikon want to do something special by bringing out 2 new lenses. This would normally be great news, but I have to ask WTF!!!

Lens 1 is the new an AF-S 18-300mm DX f/3.5/5.6 ED VR
Now I understand if you were like 12, and needed a kit lens do do EVERY kind of shooting because you couldn't afford anything else....Yeah I kinda understand.. About the only person that will benefit from this lens will be the 12yr old kid, or the Grey Army who want something that is a super zoom without much of the weight in a big lens.

Lens 2 is AF-S 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR
Again Really????
Who is this aimed at?? I really don't understand. The 24-85mm f/2.8-4d IF would have been a better lens to just upgrade to VR. The only use for this would be a Kit Lens on something but what?? Is there a new FX frame camera on the drawing board? 

Will be rushing out to get either of these...... Hell No.... But they serve a purpose. 

I can see the 300 being a great beginner lens on like a D3200 to shoot Video at home and even get some great practice out there shooting wildlife.  The 85 will make a PORN kit lens for those getting a run out D700 to shoot with. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Melbourne Open House 2012... You Betcha!!!!

Now the Building list for Open House Melbourne has gone up, I'm on the planning program..

This is going to be a Super Fast Ninja day for me and the camera.. I'm super excited to be able to get into places and buildings that normally you could never get in or photograph..

So watch this space for the results.. Or the Open House flickr group.. 

Cannon T4I/650D... Same Camera... 2 Names...

What is it with Cannon?? I don't use one cause, well to be honest, I never liked the name. A camera that is named after a device designed for killing?? Could never get past that...

Anyway I digress, this is about the NEW offering from the Cannon stable. The T4I/650D (I think that depends if your in Australia/America). This is still a kinda Entry Level camera in the DSLR market (at $900 for body only). It carries an 18 MP Sensor, 3" Screen, 5 Frames per Second Shooting, and Full HD shooting in Video Mode.

Without getting my grubby hands on one to play with, it kinda looks pretty good on paper. It's about a Nikon D3200 comparison, but why compare? Well the Cannon probably has a better Video, but I think the Nikon might has a better chance in the Stills department.

So until I can get one of each to test out back to back (anyone can lend them to me ANYONE) for a day or two, I think the old photographers adage of "Cannon for Lens and Nikon for Body's" might still hold true. The layout of the the controls on the Nikon just looks nicer. Also the Cannon Flippy Turny Screen thing... I still don't get it. It's the first thing I can see a punter breaking, and I wonder how expensive it's going to be to replace! As a body only and a nice EF50mm f18 II lens, I can see a begginer making some very lovely shots. They might even get the EF 40mm f28 STM (I think it fits) for a more diverse range of shooting and video options. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3070 Northcote..... Getting you to Art Up!! is the place to go. 

It's a playful way to discover local art and artists, as well as keeping the community spirit alive..

Monday, June 11, 2012

Getting more done...

springvale_rd_fog by Phynyght Studio
springvale_rd_fog, a photo by Phynyght Studio on Flickr.
I have been working on a few things as of late.

I have been on the march getting a few shots around not only my local area, but around Melbourne in General. You can see the work on my flickr page, or you can go and Like my Facebook page and see what I'm working on at any time. I have a normal Facebook page for my Photography as well. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bryan Peterson.. Odd Man... Great mind but an odd man..

Bryan Peterson has a very unusual energy, but its fantastic. He has these wonderful ideas and gets these wonderful and whimsical images..