Monday, December 16, 2013

GUP Photography Talent 2014

This magazine would have to be one of the best photography 'books' going around at the moment. It's a resource of some of the most fantastic images to be currently seen through the Dutch Photography scene.

It's a shame there are not books like these where more of the worlds emerging photographers can get a break into the print market, and have their work shown on a larger scale.

Maybe that's something I need to to..

HHHHRRRMMMMM Note To Self........

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Like Me. The Selfie as Modern Day Portraiture.

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This is a set of portraits I took for my Final Folio for First Year at PSC.

It's a social commentary on how the world and we ourselves look at self portraiture now. The 'selfie' has all but taken over as one of the most popular ways of how we represent ourselves, but is it really the person we see? We see ourselves very differently an arms length away and in private.

You can read my research paper here at Wordpress.

Been far to long..

I must again apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to post something here. I have to admit I have been quite lax, and I have no one to blame apart form myself.

It has been a very busy year with study, work, and more study. Finishing my degree has made it a little tougher for me to get some of the work I would have liked to get done done, but I just have to keep plugging away at everything just a little at a time.

I have a few great ideas for next year for work to do, mainly for University not personal stuff. I have a personal project I plan on getting going, but more on that was it comes alive.

So my endeavour now is to keep this platform better updated. I say this every year and it all goes to shit very quick, but I need to be a lot more diligent, and I have some amazing ideas and things coming up..